What is Melto?
My name is Jim Petersen and I am the founder, photographer, and editor of Melto. Melto Photography the name was derived from parts of my wife Melissa and my son Tophers name, my two loves. I got into photography in high school and started to shoot professionally in 2012.
I did the usual thing start up photographers do and would shoot anything anyone needed. Over time I found that portrait and lifestyle photography was what I loved to do most. Portraits are special, they get up close and in person to share a more intimate and captivating moment with the client.
What I love about portraits is they can be captured at anytime in anyplace. Some of my favorite portraits were taken in the moment when my subject wasn't even aware I was photographing them. To truly capture a stunning portrait all you have to do is let go and be in the moment, forget the camera is there, just be yourself and most importantly, have fun, we call this Funtography.